Will it ever end?

This where we are now in fixing up the house. The photo below is what it looked like when we bought the place.

So now that the outside is reaching completion it is apparently time to start the inside. For those of you who don’t know me well, I’m a pack rat! I still have clothes I wore in high school! I just don’t throw out anything. It’s a habit I adopted from my Father. He never threw out anything. My favorite story of collecting would be the time someone said they needed to go out and buy a boat oar and lock. My Father asked the length required and if the need brass or stainless. Then he went to the basement and brought it up for them to keep. Funny part is my Father never owned a boat! The other story that comes close was just a few years before he passed. I was sharing the first story with a house guest at my folks place and they didn’t seem to believe me. They then mentioned they had a vintage car that was missing the tuning knob for the radio. Dad sent me to the basement, a room he had not been able to visit for years due to health, and instructed me on where to locate the knob … yup he had the knob and gave it proudly to the guest … who stood dumbfounded!

I have begun the unenviable task of cleaning the basement and extra room upstairs. I have so far found over 40 board games, some of which have never been opened! I have also locate old books and photo’s I thought I had lost in my house fire back in 1988. One of my favorite moments was finding the newspaper published on the day Hannah was born. I’m telling you I keep everything. I have no problem giving stuff away. My problem is throwing stuff out!

Well I should get back to cleaning but before I do, I have to compliment a software company. Kutoka is a Canadian based software company that produces the award winning “Mia” series for children. Hannah LOVES this series and I like it too since it is educational and entertaining. While in Washington over the weekend for my birthday I bought Hannah a new one from the series called Mia’s – Just in Time MATH. When we got home and opened the package the DVD was in French! Everything else was in English, just the disc itself was in French. Yesterday, I called the company and explained that we had wanted an English version and they were polite and said one would be shipped to us in the morning. Well, I woke up this morning to FedEx at my door with the new Disc! These people understand customer service! I will be buying everything they ever produce and telling everybody about how great the product is and most importantly … how much they care about their customers! Bravo!

Well back to cleaning … ok sorting …

“Words are sometimes inadequate. The deepest sentiments are express with the eyes.”